Frequently Asked Questions

For Extend-A-Family Kingston Programs

How can I register myself, my child or my adult child for programs at EAFK?

EAFK completes an intake for all new participants, prior to registering for programs. This intake process includes completing the Participant Information Package, a school or program visit and 2 half days at our program space.

Why is an intake process required?

The intake process is in place to assess and determine which level of support is needed for yourself, your child or your adult child while attending EAFK programs.

How do I start the intake process and receive the Participant Information Package?

Please contact Ian Cholmondeley, Manager of Community Services at or 613-544-8939 ext. 1180 to begin the process.

How long does the intake process take?

As the intake process involves either a school or program visit, it can take 4 to 6 weeks to complete.  EAFK does not complete intakes during the summer months.

What is “level of support”?

We have four levels of support at EAFK and determination of levels is based on each individual’s specific needs. 

  • Exceptional is 1 to 1 level of support.

  • Enhanced 2 is 1 to 2/3 level of support.

  • Enhanced 1 is 1 to 5/6 level of support.

  • Base is 1 to 7/8 level of support.

What is the cost of programs?

Each level of support has a different fee.

  • Exceptional = $145.00 per day

  • Enhanced 2 = $85.00 per day

  • Enhanced 1 = $75.00 per day

  • Base = $65.00 per day